Labs we work with & talk to

Zaburdaev Lab

FAU Erlangen

Moores Lab

Birkbeck - University of London


Guck Lab

MPI for the Science of Light Erlangen

Petry Lab


Saliba Lab

ANU Canberra

Brouhard Lab

McGill Montréal

Phillips Lab


Hyman Lab

MPI CBG Dresden

Places we like

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole
Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole


Felix Scholz
Felix Scholz
Bonanza Coffee Roasters
Bonanza Coffee Roasters
Giovanni Frazzetto
Giovanni Frazzetto

IRI for the Life Sciences | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |

Haus 18 | Philippstr. 13 | 10115 Berlin

Humboldt University
IRI for the Life Sciences