Non-technical readers
Interessierte Nichtwissenschaftler
Non-technical readers
Interessierte Nichtwissenschaftler
Non-technical readers
Interessierte Nichtwissenschaftler
07/20/2022 - 2022/07/20 - Life at the edge
07/04/2022 - 2022/07/04 - Simone giving a talk at TU Kaiserslautern
05/25/2022 - 2022/05/25 - Simone giving a seminar at the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
04/29/2022 - 2022/04/29 - Abin not impressed with Tobi's and my new make-up
03/27/2022 - 2022/03/27 - Spotlight on our work in Trends in Parasitology
01/19/2022 - 2022/01/19 - Will's paper out in Current Biology
12/01/2021 - 2021/12/01 - Happy holidays everyone!
11/17/2021 - 2021/11/17 - Spindle3D online on JCB
10/29/2021 - 2021/10/29 - Goodbye Soma - Rock on!
09/29/2021 - 2021/09/29 - Congrats Abin!
06/11/2021 - 2021/06/11 - Abin Movie Star
05/25/2021 - 2021/05/25 - Plasmodium microtubules! Will's paper as preprint
05/19/2021 - 2021/05/19 - Congrats Dr. WG Hirst
04/08/2021 - 2021/04/08 - Preprint: Tobi's paper on spindle morphometry
04/07/2021 - 2021/04/06 - Preview on Abin's paper in Developmental Cell
04/06/2021 - 2021/04/06 - Online now in Dev Cell: The Xenopus spindle is as dense as the surrounding cytoplasm
03/11/2021 - 2021/03/10 - Happy B-day Soma & Congrats to your paper Abin!
03/08/2021 - 2021/03/08 - Lab meeting with Carolyn Moores
02/08/2021 - 08/02/2021 - Lab meeting with Flo @jug_lab @csbdresden
02/01/2021 - 01/02/2021 - Welcome Mirko!
01/11/2021 - 27/11/2020 - Our methods paper on imaging of microtubule dynamics is now online!
11/17/2020 - 17/11/2020 - Cheers!
11/06/2020 - 06/11/2020 - Our methods paper on tubulin purification is online!
09/01/2020 - 01/09/2020 - Welcome Dominik!
06/17/2020 - 17/06/2020 - Dan Levy wrote a nice dispatch on our recent paper in Current Biology!
05/07/2020 - 07/05/2020 - Our paper on frog spindle length control now online!
04/01/2020 - 01/04/2020 - Congrats to Adrian! His paper is now published in Molecular Biology of the Cell!
03/18/2020 - 18/03/2020 - Coronavirus lockdown
03/12/2020 - 12/03/2020 - Congrats @ Will & Abin
03/02/2020 - 02/03/2020 - Happy birthday Soma!
02/20/2020 - 20/02/2020 - Our science on stage!
02/05/2020 - 05/02/2020 - Congratulations Dr. Biswas
12/06/2019 - 06/12/2019 - Lynae Brayboy is visiting us!
11/22/2019 - 22/11/2019 - Simone giving a talk at the "Dissection Biology @ Single Cell Level" symposium
11/04/2019 - 04/11/2019 - Harry's farewell
10/05/2019 - 05/10/2019 - Will travelling to Stellenbosch for the IRTG retreat
09/30/2019 - 30/09/2019 - Congrats Abin - Thesis submitted!
09/11/2019 - 11/09/2019 - Ella & Simone travelling to the Engineering Life Meeting
08/22/2019 - 22/08/2019 - Remembering Suzanne
07/12/2019 - 12/07/2019 - Back in Woods Hole
07/10/2019 - 10/07/2019 - Lab day & BBQ
06/15/2019 - 15/06/2019 - Long Night of the Sciences #lndw19
05/24/2019 - 24/05/2019 - Simone giving a talk at the EMBL Course: Advanced Fluorescence Imaging Techniques
04/17/2019 - 17/04/2019 - Happy birthday Will!
04/08/2019 - 08/04/2019 - Simone giving at talk at the "10th International Conference Engineering of Chemical Complexity"
04/04/2019 - 04/04/2019 - Iva Tolic is visiting us
04/01/2019 - 01/04/2019 - No prank: Harry joins the lab!
03/24/2019 - 24/03/2019 - Abin & Simone travelling to Split to the "Mitotic spindle: From living and synthetic systems to theory" meeting
03/13/2019 - 13/03/2019 - Great collaboration with the Götz lab "The centrosome protein AKNA regulates neurogenesis via microtubule organization" published in Nature
03/07/2019 - 07/03/2019 - Our paper "MTrack: Automated Detection, Tracking, and Analysis of Dynamic Microtubules" has been published in Scientific Reports
03/07/2019 - 07/03/2019 - Gaia Pigino visiting us!
02/28/2019 - 28/02/2019 - Visiting WIKO fellow Jannie Hofmeyr at beautiful STIAS in Stellenbosch
01/21/2019 - 21/01/2019 - Simone giving the ‘Viikki Monday Lecture’ at the University of Helsinki
11/12/2018 - 12/11/2018 - Christoph's farewell
10/31/2018 - 31/10/2018 - Happy birthday Abin!
10/24/2018 - 24/10/2018 - Lab outing
10/16/2018 - 16/10/2018 - Professor Reber
09/22/2018 - 22/09/2018 - Will & Simone flying to Australia! 4 talks ahead!
08/12/2018 - 12/08/2018 - Simone giving a talk at the 17th International Xenopus Conference in Seattle
07/27/2018 - 27/07/2018 - Happy birthday Simone!
06/27/2018 - 27/06/2018 - Simone speaking at the EMBL Course: Advanced Fluorescence Imaging Techniques
06/09/2018 - 08/06/2018 - Lab day & BBQ
06/04/2018 - 04/06/2018 - Antonina Roll-Mecak is visting us!
02/27/2018 - 27/02/2018 - Session on the future of science communication at the DGZ Young Scientist Forum
02/26/2018 - 26/02/2018 - We are organising the DGZ Young Scientist Forum in Berlin
12/12/2017 - 12/12/2017 - Simone giving a talk at TU Vienna
11/21/2017 - 21/11/2017 - Simone speaking at the "From Chromatin to RNA: A Systems View on Molecular Mechanisms" a EMBL/DFG women in science network conference
11/02/2017 - 02/11/2017 - Simone giving a talk at EMBO Conference "Quantitative Principles in Biology"
10/26/2017 - 26/10/2017 - Varun's Farewell
10/12/2017 - 12/10/2017 - Rob Phillips visting us
09/10/2017 - 10/09/2017 - EMBO Practical Course: Current Methods in Cell Biology
08/27/2017 - 27/08/2017 - Lab retreat Schloss Buchenau
08/21/2017 - 21/08/2017 - Greetings from Woods Hole
06/22/2017 - 22/06/2017 - Joe Howard visting us
06/18/2017 - 18/06/2017 - Simone giving a talk at the MPI-CBG postdoc retreat in Děčín
06/01/2017 - 01/06/2017 - Peter Lenart visiting us
05/19/2017 - 17/05/2017 - Success! Humboldt Princeton profile partnership grant funded
05/12/2017 - 12/05/2017 - Success! Our international research training program got funded
05/01/2017 - 01/05/2017 - Welcome Ella!
03/22/2017 - 22/04/2017 - March for Science
03/19/2017 - 19/03/2017 - Talk at the Simons Foundation
03/03/2017 - 03/03/2017 - Lab outing!
12/06/2016 - 06/12/2016 - Data visualization workshop
11/02/2016 - 02/11/2016 - BSIO Grant
10/27/2016 - 27/10/2016 - 15 years MPI CBG
10/15/2016 - 15/10/2016 - Welcome Tobias!
10/10/2016 - 10/10/2016 - Visting the Görlich lab
09/14/2016 - 14/09/2016 - EMBO Cell Size Meeting
08/20/2016 - 20/08/2016 - Back to Berlin!
06/01/2016 - 06/01/2016 - Off to Woods Hole - Yeah!
05/18/2016 - 05/18/2016 - Systems Biology lecture series “Imaging Biological Systems"
05/13/2016 - 05/13/2016 - Interested? Joint Master Thesis in the labs of Helge Ewers & Simone Reber
05/10/2016 - 05/10/2016 - Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon
04/15/2016 - 04/15/2016 - Lise-Meitner-Kolloquium FU Berlin
04/15/2016 - 04/15/2016 - Welcome to our new postdoc Adrian Granada!
04/11/2016 - 04/11/2016 - Symposium 'Molecular Interactions in Malaria'
03/14/2016 - 03/14/2016 - International Meeting of the DGZ München
03/10/2016 - 03/10/2016 - Sebastian's 1st TAC and IRI Talk by Alex Bird
03/03/2016 - 03/03/2016 - IRI Colloquium 'Collective Behavior' – Tony Hyman
02/25/2016 - 02/25/2016 - Abin’s 1st TAC & IRI Talk by Ivo Telley
02/17/2016 - 02/17/2016 - Why do Zebras Have Stripes?
02/15/2016 - 15/02/2016 - New year, new colleague!
02/04/2016 - 02/04/2016 - IRI Colloquium 'Collective Behavior' – Dan Needleman
01/26/2016 - 01/26/2016 - Simone's first university lecture ‘Introduction to Biophysics’
12/15/2015 - 12/15/2015 - Happy holidays!
11/25/2015 - 11/25/2015 - Image analysis workshop
11/24/2015 - 11/2472015 - Leonie's inaugural lecture
11/11/2015 - 11/11/2015 - Visit of the Scientific Advisory Board
10/01/2015 - 10/01/2015 - Interested in our work? Simone is going to give a couple of seminars til the end of the year…
09/18/2015 - 09/18/2015 - Simone will give the keynote lecture at the MDC Post Doc Day
08/18/2015 - 08/18/2015 - Job offer: We are looking for a postdoc to develop algorithms for quantitative analysis of large data sets
08/13/2015 - 08/13/2015 - Raghavendra Gadagkar receives Germany’s highest civilian honour
08/12/2015 - 08/12/2015 - Tubulin labeling success
05/06/2015 - 05/06/2015 - Simone at the Young Leaders in Science Meeting
04/13/2015 - 04/13/2015 - We are awarded the Humboldt-Princeton Strategic Partnership Grant as part of a team consisting of Sabine Petry and Cliff Brangwynne (Princeton)
04/01/2015 - 04/01/2015 - Bringing a new perspective to the group. Welcome Will Hirst!
02/16/2015 - 02/16/2015 - Simone’s Inaugural Lecture with a guest lecture by Tim Hunt
02/01/2015 - 02/01/2015 - Sebastian Reusch joins the lab. Welcome Sebastian!
01/01/2015 - 01/01/2015 - New year, new colleague: Abin Biswas joins the lab
12/08/2014 - 12/08/2014 - Lab warming with a guest lecture by Johannes Jäger
09/01/2014 - 09/01/2014 - Simone joins the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin as a fellow
08/08/2014 - 08/08/2014 - Lab space under construction